5-Metabolic Zones plus Sleep (recovery) |
Olympic Training Outline:
- Assess establish your Baselines, what Dr. Vigil calls VvO2– what we call for all: Reference Point Training (RPT). We as a Team, Teacher/Student Athlete must find our Starting Point. Were are we? All Training stems from the Super Compensation Model, if you do not know it, it is simple, stop NOW and click here to learn the 4-Simple Steps of the Training Process.
- Prescribe either to yourself or from a competent Coach,Teacher,Trainer, Facilitator ect. a Course of Action, a Periodization Program.
- Execute your Training Plan. You must of Course DO IT! See it through, make proper adjustments as they arise ie: Snow day, Wind Day, go indoor or onto a Treadmill, Bike paddling machine, rowing machine ect.
- Repeat in progressive levels or cycles over lifetime or career.
Here is the FREE Outline of Olympic Threshold Training Model:
- All Human Beings have 5-Distinctive Metabolic Levels plus Sleep (Recovery)
- All evidence based, performance monitoring health/wellness/fitness programs Must incorporate and act on this information- or they are simply In-Complete Programs!
- The key to any great Performance/Evidence Based Exercise Program is balancing and Incorporating ALL 5-Levels into your workout week or micro-cycle put against known Reference Point (RPT) over a targeted Time Period (Periodization).
Sample Training Sessions by Reference Point at various Meta Levels.
- Your Max Bench Press is 200lb, today we train 10 x 1 rep max of 200 at 80% or 10 x 160lb’s (80% of Reference Point= 160lb), as Max Changes, RP changes. Keep in mind, as a normal human we all have 6-Compound Muscle Groups: Leg’s (waist down) Chest, Back,Shoulders, Arms, Ab core. Establish a Reference Point baseline for each body part.
Running Samples:
- Best Mile run of 4:00 (4-min) today we Train Long at TE-1 (FFA) 65-75% -we do a 90 minute run at 6:09 mile pace.
- Best Mile run of 4:00 today we Train Aerobic Threshold TE-2 (Aerobic Threshold) 75-80% -we do a Steady State (even pace) 50- minute run (10-miles at 5:00 mile pace)
- Best Mile run of 4:00 today we train at TE-3 (Anaerobic Threshold) 85% or 4:30 mile pace. 6 x 1-mile with active recovery back to 70%
- Best Mile run of 4:00 today we train at TE-4 (Lactate Threshold) 85-95% or 4:42-4:13 mile pace. We may run 6 x a 800 in 2:06 or we me run a Tempo 3 miles at 4:42 pace. Recover back to 70% between.
- Best Mile run of 4:00 today we train at TE-5 (NMF/Supra Max) 95-Max Heart rate. Heart rate does not really affect this level. Here we are working SKILL, Foot Speed ect. We may do 12 x 150 meters at 3:50 mile pace Supra Max (Faster than best Mile time of 4:00) or we may run 150 meter accelerations. Start at 5:00 pace and accelerate gradually to the point of All OUT Speed in the last 5-10 Meters. Recover and do it again. Full Recovery on all Work at this level.
Bike Samples: (Important to have a accurate Power Meter)
- Same as running TE-1 (FFA) 65-75% of Max Heart Rate (MHR) but put against POWER (Wattage as Reference Point) . Best 4- Minute Time Trial average of 400 Watts. TE-1 would be 2-4 hour rides at 65%-70%. Athlete should be able to average 65% of 400w. or 260 watts. This is Reference Point Training of the Human Metabolism!
- Best 4-Minute TT of 400 watts TE-2 (Aerobic Threshold) 75-80% -we do a Steady State (even pace) 1hour ride or 3 x 20 minute at 80% speed or 320 watts.
- Best 4-minute TT of 400 watts TE-3 (Anaerobic Threshold) 85% we may do intervals of 12 x 4- minute pieces by RPT or 12 x 4′ @ 340w.
- Best 4-minute TT of 400 watts avg. TE-4 (Lactate Threshold) 85-95% we may do 3 x 20 minute Tempo rides with full recovery at 88% RP or 340 watts up to 380 watts.
- Best 4-minute TT of 400 watts avg. TE-5 (NMF/Supra Max) 95-Max Heart rate. Heart rate does not really affect this level. Here we are working SKILL, Foot Speed ect. A classic Great Workout at this level is Motor Pacing at speed above anything cyclist could do on their own power behind a Motorcycle with roller bumper on back. Or in an indoor cycling Class we may do 30 second to 1- minute repeats in sets of 4 minimal recovery between reps with MAXIMUM recover between Sets. ie: 4 x Set of 4 x 45″ sprints at 600 watts.
Free Pace & Power Chart Click Here to find RPT
See the New Sonic Fitness iQniter Cardio Training System to execute these sessions. iQniter cardio training allows you to pre-design workouts that you can follow. These pre-designed sessions can act as your reference point, your training objective would be to reduce the Metabolic Cost of the circuit, do more work for less Cardio Respiratory Cost (Stress).
Example Workout/Test:
A favorite of ours, at Therafit over the last 10 years has been a routine we call Yo-YO’s, start group of 10-20 peoples on indoor Bikes, with iQniter by Suunto, get them all to a base -Starting Point- of 75% mhr . Yell ready set- “GO” over the next 6-minutes their workout objective is to go to 85% (Adpapt Sympathetic Nervous system) and back to 75% (Recovery-Parasympathetic Nervous System) as many times as they can.
This is a measure of their Functional Workload Capacity, as they get fitter, they will be able to do more 75-85-75 round trips in 6-minutes. I count times at 75%, so they all get 1 automatically.
Our average club production over 10-Years was 10 round trips. I once had a person only get 2 in 6- minutes, I ask him to seek a cardiologist, sure enough he was in need of a Angioplasty or Opening of a Semi-Blocked Artery with a Stent.
Email us for an Online Demo by clicking here
For middle school students it is very important to establish a set of Reference Points (baselines) to work against and keep them focused.
Example Circuit Training:
Circuits in the School Gymnasium such as a Jump Rope Station (50r) rotate to Push-up (10-20) Station to Sit-up(10-20) Station to Burpees (10-20) rotate to Balance Station (10-20) then on to 2-lap run station on to Wall Ball Squat (10-20). Establish Time
Please email us your Answers:
What does each Meta Level mean to you?
Do you incorporate all 5 into your week?
What percentage of each Meta Level, as a % do you execute?
What is your True 24 hour cycle resting Heart Rate.
What is your Waking Heart Rate?
What is your Max or Peak Heart rate by stress test?
What is your Reference Point for Training each Level?
How do you FEED (nutrition) each Training Level?
Do you feed or starve each level prior to session?
What are Samples Workouts of Each Level?
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Also take time to sign up to receive our Blogs in the left hand column.