28 Nov

• It’s all about Health…Your Health!

Healthcare is the #1 cost to our USA National Budget, approaching 1-Trillion Dollars. The top 3 components of  this largely preventable  cost are:

  1. Heart Health– Heart disease in the #1 killer worldwide
  2. Metabolic Health-Type 2 Preventable Diabetes
  3. Respiratory Health– COPD ect.

With this reality in mind we have created a comprehensive program that any:

  • fitness center, studio, club, trainer, coach or teacher can introduce, integrate & execute with their own special program and equipment. 

iQniter Cardio Training provides a Comprehensive Platform of Motivational Metrics that apply to ALL Moves. Program and Equipment.

All Moves Count: your outdoor run, ride or row, your indoor dance class and your indoor studio cycle -all contribute to your overall Health and Well being. Movement motivates!

With iQniter Cardio Training  powered by Suunto, used in conjunction with our iQniter Wrist-top Monitor and Free Suunto Movescount Fitness tracking and I-phone, I pad Apps.  We have your Moves Covered, not just some of them on this device or that device with this training program or that training program.  We track and analyse all of them.

Form Groups, motivate, gain and retain members with a sense of community and a common social centered media platform. See Sample Here  small groups, large groups, running clubs, fitness clubs, triathlon clubs ect.

Movescount does it all: Tracks, Analysis, Logs and Motivates. Great to pinpoint training effect and develop accurate reference points. See RPT training by Olympic Coach Dr. Vigil

Truth is, in the business of preventative healthcare and fitness there are many great programs, from your morning run-ride or row to your Cross-fit session or your Silver Sneakers program.  It ALL counts.  Until now there has never been a way for you club, school, studio, trainer or coach to put it all together for you.  Now there is.

Motivational Metrics get you “On Track” as they guide you with heart rate and as you learn the 5- prime metabolic correlations to various Heart Rate intensities.  This “Non Invasive” real-time data guides you through, not just your daily session, but through your workout week and Life!

We all know that true Health and lasting Wellness comes from a Comprehensive program, not just flipping a Tractor Tire here and there.  It  comes from weight lifting, running, riding, rowing, paddling, dancing, Pilates reformers, treadmills, Kayak Pro Paddling Machines, Stand up paddling, Indoor Cycling and PE class Circuit Training.  The word I love to use is:  Gestalt or Total Health and Wellness from a Comprehensive Platform of Motivational Metrics.

Do you want a stronger country?  A stronger healthier body and mind? Lower insurance cost? Improved quality and quantity of Life?  The answer is Preventative Evidence Base exercise on a variety of devices for a variety of program indoor and outdoor.

Everything at your fingertips.  Real-time guidance of intensity, duration and frequency while logging ALL MOVES for analysis later. Sometimes it is very uplifting to look back a year ago and see where you were.  Your 5k time, Your power on the indoor bike at 80% of your max heart rate.  How your group was doing.  The sense of community or the private motivators you keep to yourself.  It is all in one place for you  to get on track stay on track and really change your healthcare outcome.

The real question we all need to be asking ourselves is “Where will we be in 10-years”, but how will we know if we “Do not Know where we are Right Now”? 

What if you could actually have a continuous and accurate evidence based program to get you from here to that point in 10 years where you would actually be BETTER!  Swifter- Stronger Healthier.  It is not about Fitness, it is about Life…. isn’t it?

Make your exercise programs work for you! Custom to your Unique Metabolism. Join us, follow the links, provided on this page and get to know how you can truly change the future of your health wellness.  Live  a long and quality life with compressed morbidity.

Any Questions please feel free to contact us at:  tim@sonic-fitness.com
